The Best MMORPGs to Play – May 2013
So which are the Best MMORPGs to play right now? What are the new releases? Is it worth spending precious time in the new MMORPGs?
It’s always hard to choose and hop-in to a new MMO. It’s either the lack of feedback and information on new games, over-hype on some others and time dedication needed in order to check them out yourselves as well. It’s been some time since we published a list with the Top MMORPGs for 2013, so lets refresh our memory and check out all the cool new games that have released or entering open beta in the following days.
Marvel Heroes is st to launch on June 4th but will be entering open beta this weekend (May 3rd). It’s a diablo style MMORPG where you play as you favorite super hero from the Marvel Universe. Developed on Unreal Engine 3 it features beautiful 3d graphics, destructible terrain and frantic combat against hundreds of villains.
DARKFALL: Unholy Wars
Darkfall: Unholy Wars the relaunch of the orignal Darkfall and is probably the best sandbox MMORPG on a medieval setting. It has improved graphics and sound over the original and a simplified skill system making it more approachable by new players. If you enjoy hardcore full-loot massive PvP sandbox games then you have to play Darkfall: Unholy Wars. The guys at Aventurine nailed it this time and have a great game in their hands.
Originally named in Korea as Queens Blade, Scarlet Blade is a controversial title because of it’s M+ rating and light dressed female only characters. Behind the cheap wrapping there is a good game waiting to be explored. Extremely polished for an open beta. Only bad thing is that it’s community might be a little immature but that’s something to be expected in a game with so much nudity. Not the best game, but it’s worth downloading and checking it out if you’re bored of your main MMORPG since it’s fresh, polished and sexy. Play Now for Free!
Brought byt Perfect World Entertainment and Cryptic studios Neverwinter is probably the best free-to-play MMORPG for 2013. A beautifully created Dungeons & Dragons world with Fast-paced combat and unending endgame are the strong selling points of this game. The game is entering open-beta (soft release) today (April 30th) and is one game that every MMO player should check out. Play now for Free!
Other Free MMORPGs worth playing – not so new –
Allods Online is a 3D Fantasy MMORPG with some interesting Sci-Fi elements. The game mixes high fantasy elements with the space opera genre.A beautifully designed world, 9 playable classes and a deep storyline is what separates this “triple A” free-to-play MMORG from the masses. Check it out for free now!
RaiderZ is a 3D fantasy themed monster hunting MMORPG that features fast paced non-targeting combat similar to TERA. Players wage war against gigantic monsters that are as interactive and responsive as an opponent in a PvP battle. There are no set classes. Heroes can learn over 350 different skills to customize their character as they wish. On of the best free-to-play MMORPGs out there. Play for free now!
Originally started as a subscription game DC Universe is now on of the Goliaths of the Free-to-Play MMO market. Character creation is one of the best of the genre you could literary spend hours trying to create your unique character. It features a great action packed combat system and a beautifully created world recognizable to all DC Comics fans. One of the best choices if you’re looking a new quality free2play game to dip in. Play for free now!
One of my personal favorite Free-to-Play MMORPGs. Developed by Runewalker entertainment it started as a f2p copy of WoW but as time passed it turned into a solid and unique game. It features fantastic character customization, a unique multi-class system, player housing, fun end-game raiding and many different PvP options. One of the best f2p MMORPGs ever created. Play for free now!
Funcoms latest MMORPG started with a subscription payment model. That recently changed and makes the game even more compelling to play. You just buy it once and never pay again as it uses the B2P business model, just like Guildwars. The game is unique, with amazing story telling, atmosphere and an excellent skill system. Probably one of the best MMORPGs ever created. Highly recommended. Play Now!
Don’t forget to check out list of the Best Browser MMOs for 2013 and our older Best MMORPGs of 2013 Top List!
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cool list, found you all from Gpin. keep it up!
Aw, GW2 is still going strong and it managed to get no mention.
Descent list, would like to see some more sandbox games in there though.
Only have experience with two one here, Neverwinter and Secret World. The Secret world had a great atmosphere/story/setting but the entire combat system felt really clunky and repetitive.
Neverwinter I’m enjoying a bit more, but with only a couple weeks play time I can see that it is an inherently fun but lacking in the depth department (while the user-generated content of the foundry is great there, I refer more to the crafting systems, comparatively modest changes resulting from different statted gear, and little feel of personalization in terms of how you allocate power/feat points– the skill tree equivalents here).
I think it’ll be a good deal of fun for a few weeks but nothing to hold me long term as MMOs in the past have (i.e. 6+ months).
Don;t forget the kickstarter sequel to Planescape Torment, This is going to be epic!!!