Published on June 6th, 2013 | by George X.


Is PlayStation 4 the Next-gen F2P MMO Platform?

Until now the dominant Free-to-Play MMO platform was the PC but things might change with the new generation of consoles. Bungie already announced that their next-gen MMO Destiny will be coming for XBOX One and PS4 and even before the Playstation 4 gets revealed at E3, more developers and publishers announce that their MMOs will be ported to the PS4 console.

We’ll be seeing some top quality MMO titles on the Playstation 4 like Sony’s Free-to-Play MMOFPS Planetside 2 and the MMORPG DC Universe. Digital Extreme’s hack-and-slash space ninja MMO Warframe has also been confirmed for release on Sony’s latest console.

Other MMO games that we’ll see on the PlayStation 4 is free-2-play combat MMO game War Thunder, and the FPS Blacklight Retribution.  CCP’s PS3 exclusive Dust514 has also been confirmed for the Playstation 4.

Sony announced that the PS4 version of Planetside 2 will be using separate servers from the PC version.

Would you play an MMO on a console? If yes, what other MMOs would you like to see on the next generation consoles?

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About the Author

is a lover of MMOs. Been playing full time since the first days of Everquest and never stopped since then. Currently he's addicted with DOTA 2 and GW2.

2 Responses to Is PlayStation 4 the Next-gen F2P MMO Platform?

  1. George Lolas says:

    Well, unless they release a keyboard and mouse for PS4/Xbox One, those two platforms will be only good for MMOFPS and Action MMORPG games, like Planetside 2 and RaiderZ. I think though, as you already mentioned in your article, that the next gen consoles will be a good and profitable platform for the F2P “genre”.

  2. Sebastian Krows says:

    I would play an action-esque MMO like Planetside or Warframe from my couch. I would actually enjoy it more than the PC version. But for my MMORPG needs i would pick the PC Version as they’re based on community and keyboard chat is a must have.

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