Aion 4.0 E3 Trailer Released – Expansion Details
June 8th, 2013 | by George X.
Aion is gearing up for E3 and just released the new trailer for the upcoming expansion Dark Betrayal and update
June 8th, 2013 | by George X.
Aion is gearing up for E3 and just released the new trailer for the upcoming expansion Dark Betrayal and update
June 5th, 2013 | by Roxy
Korean gaming habits are considered to be quite different from ours. Is that entirely true? Lets check together what are
January 29th, 2013 | by George X.
So what are the Top Korean Games? According to game metrics Korean website GameNote here is the list with the most
January 17th, 2013 | by George X.
It truly take Aions for publisher Gameforge to update Aion to it’s latest version 3.5 . While Americans enjoyed Aion